Xanax Withdrawal

Most people know alprazolam, a benzodiazepine, under the brand name Xanax. It’s a prescription medication for patients with anxiety. The drug directly affects receptors in the brain. If you’ve been abusing this drug and try to quit, you’ll likely experience Xanax withdrawal.

What Does Xanax Dependency Look Like?

You might take significantly more than the doctor recommends, because the drug makes you feel elated, happy, and calm. You experience drowsiness and sleep a lot. Because you have a difficult time concentrating when high on Xanax, family members have a hard time talking to you. You gradually lose interest in other things and only want to fulfill your drug craving. You start to forget things—sometimes entire conversations. Your friends may think that you don’t care, but you know that’s not true. Because their criticism agitates you, you withdraw and take more pills.

Going through Xanax Withdrawal

Because you recognize that this is no way to live, you want to quit using. However, it’s not as easy as just stopping the pill habit. The problem comes into play when the withdrawal symptoms begin. Some of these symptoms include sweating, gastrointestinal upset, muscle cramps, shaking, and an inability to sleep. If you initially took the drug to overcome an anxiety problem, it can come right back during withdrawal. In fact, it may be worse than before. Another issue is the possibility of seizures. For this reason, it’s crucial that you undertake detox at a facility that monitors your Xanax withdrawal. There, medical professionals keep your vitals steady. They help you to overcome the anxiety and depression you might experience. More importantly, they help keep you comfortable and pain-free. When you withdraw at a facility that also provides addiction treatment, you seamlessly transition into therapy for the psychological addiction.

Addiction Treatment Modalities that Offer Solutions for Your Chemical Dependency

The mental aspect of dependence takes a little longer to shake off than the physical. Therefore, you should consider a residential stay at a treatment facility. Doing so gives you access to treatments and specialists around the clock. Examples of therapies include: The best therapeutic delivery system for these modalities is a gender-specific setting. This approach eliminates the discomfort that women or men may feel when trying to open up about feelings. Because they frequently fly in the face of societal gender stereotypes, same-sex therapy sessions make more sense. Gender-specific addiction treatment significantly boosts your ability to move forward with recovery.

A Word on Outpatient Treatment Options

Some facilities offer outpatient therapies. While this treatment framework might work for a small, select group, it doesn’t work for the vast majority of people struggling with addiction. Residential treatment protects you from stressors and triggers that are all around you. Until you know how to disarm triggers before they tempt you to use again, you risk relapsing even during treatment. If you’re struggling with Xanax withdrawal and worry about treatment afterward, contact the Silver Pines Treatment Center. Friendly therapists want to help you. Call 267.209.7313 now and schedule an intake interview appointment for prescription drug abuse.

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